I managed to get my first ever kingfisher shots this evening. I was walking along the River Nene yesterday when I spotted one near an old rusty bridge. I decided to go back this evening, set the camera up and waited patiently. After about 25 minutes, the kingfisher perched on a dead tree next to the bridge and stuck around for a good 5 minutes allowing me to get a handful of pictures. I've never seen a stationary kingfisher until this evening... what an absolutely beautiful bird :)
Here are some of my images from the last couple of weeks. Wasn't that brief hot period we had lovely? I was out with the camera and made the most of the glorious blue skies and warm evenings, and also took another early morning trip down to Ravensthorpe Reservoir to take some sunrise pictures which was lovely as ever.
James TruslerNorthamptonshire based nature photographer Archives
January 2020